Profile for Israella

Member since June 22, 2021
Name(all pronouns) I currently go by Israelle

I like archaic and rare names
as well as ancient languages and kingdoms
Anath is my favorite Canaanite dietyFuture Lingusit, Onomologist & Historian

Special interests/hyperfixations: ancient languages, name etymology, European Jewry, (Court Jewry/"protected Jews"), ancient Israel, the kingdom of Judea, Queer history, Germany, the holy roman Empire, Old High German, Yiddish, German, Frisian, Old English, Judeo-French (Zarphatic), the soviet union, kibbutzim, Slavic countries, Eastern Europe
Current faves:
Hildegarde, Judea, Salome, Odessa, Chaim, Heinrich, Israel, Sender, Henna, Eli Updated in (Jan. 2024) 2.1.24 added: Huda, Noor, Talib, Shiffa, Sabiha, Farah, Israa, Sabah, Malik, Salih, HamzaUpdated in (Feb. 2024) 16.2.24 added: Rima (Reema), Jummanah, Fiamma, Elias

Name List: ♀ Israelle's list

Name List: ♂ Israelle's list

Name List: archaic and rare

Name List: Fantasy names