Browse Surnames

This is a list of surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword songbird.
Amsel 2 German
Means "blackbird" in German.
Cinege Hungarian
Means "titmouse bird" in Hungarian.
Finch English, Literature
From the name of the bird, from Old English finc. It was used by Harper Lee for the surname of lawyer Atticus Finch and his children in her novel To Kill a Mockingbird (1960).
Kos Slovene
Means "blackbird" in Slovene.
Melo Portuguese
Portuguese form of Merlo.
Merle French
French form of Merlo.
Merlo Italian, Spanish
Means "blackbird", ultimately from Latin merula. The blackbird is a symbol of a naive person.
Passerini Italian
From Italian passero meaning "sparrow".
Rigó Hungarian
Means "thrush" in Hungarian.
Robbins English
Derived from the given name Robin.
Robin French
From the given name Robin.
Robinson English
Means "son of Robin".
Schlender German
From Middle High German slinderen "to dawdle" or Middle Low German slinden "to swallow, to eat".
Sikora Polish
Means "tit (bird)" in Polish.
Slávik m Slovak
Slovak cognate of Slavík.
Slavík m Czech
Means "nightingale" in Czech.
Spurling English
From Middle English sparewe "sparrow" and the diminutive suffix -ling.
Swallow English
From the name of the bird, from Old English swealwe, a nickname for someone who resembled or acted like a swallow.
Sýkora m Czech, Slovak
Means "tit (bird)" in Czech and Slovak.
Thrussell English
From Old English þrostle meaning "song thrush", referring to a cheerful person.
Trudu Sardinian
Means "thrush" in Sardinian (from Latin turdus).
Vrabec um Croatian, Slovene, Czech, Slovak
Means "sparrow" in several languages, from Old Slavic vorbĭ.
Vrubel m Czech
From a dialectal variant of Czech vrabec "sparrow".
Wróbel Polish
Means "sparrow" in Polish.
Zvirbulis m Latvian
Means "sparrow" in Latvian.