Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword able.
See Also
able meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aguon Chamorro
From Chamorro agu, meaning "to change, to vary" and the suffix on meaning "to be able". The term's modern usage refers to the starch portion of a Chamorro meal. In the olden days, the Chamorro meal consisted of fish and vegetables, but the starch portion of the meal would highly depend on what was in season.
Gutmann German
German cognate of Goodman. from Middle High German guot man literally "good man, capable man" derived from the elements guot "good" and man "man"... [more]
Morand French, French (Swiss)
from the medieval Latin personal name Maurandus Morandus derived from Maurus "Mauritanian Moor" and the suffix -andus (following the pattern of names formed from a verbal noun such as Amandus) or shortened from Moderandus which appears to be Latin for "he who is (able) to be guided"... [more]
Regalado Spanish, Spanish (Philippines), American (Hispanic)
Means "gifted", "pleasant", or "capable".
Shakya Nepali, Indian, Hindi
From the name of an ancient clan that inhabited parts of present-day Nepal and northern India. The name may have been derived from Sanskrit शाक (shaka) or शक (shaka) referring to the Sakas, a group of nomadic Iranian peoples, or from शक्य (shakya) meaning "possible, capable".
Suutre Estonian
Suutre is an Estonian surname derived from "suutma" meaning "to be able/capable".
Tedpahogo Chamorro
Chamorro for "Not able to complete or finish"
Yaman Turkish
Means "intelligent, capable, efficient" in Turkish.