Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword ask.
See Also
ask meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Agdamag Filipino, Ilocano
Means "to ask for news" in Ilocano.
Ampuan Filipino, Maranao
From a royal title meaning "one who asks for apology" or "revered, great" in Maranao.
Beyoğlu Turkish
Means son of a bey. “Bey” (Ottoman Turkish: بك‎ “Beik”, Albanian: bej, Bosnian: beg, Arabic: بيه‎ “Beyeh”, Persian: بیگ‎ “Beyg” or بگ “Beg”) is a Turkish title for chieftain, traditionally applied to the leaders or rulers of various sized areas in the Ottoman Empire... [more]
Landa Polish
Nickname for a persistent and irritating person, from a derivative of the dialect verb landzić "to ask insistently, badger someone".
Motome Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as 求, 元目 or 求馬 with 求 (kyuu, gu, moto.meru) meaning "demand, request, require, want, wish for", 元 (gan, gen, moto) meaning "beginning, former time, origin", 目 (boku, moku, ma, me, -me) meaning "care, class, experience, eye, favour, insight, look" and 馬 (ba, uma, uma-, ma, me) meaning "horse."... [more]
Nimanbegu Albanian
Nimanbegu or Nimani , given "beg" from Turks in Ottoman Empire
Noe Medieval English, Korean
A patronymic form of the biblical male given name Noah from the Hebrew word "noach" meaning long-lived. Possible origins could be ... [more]
Tamon Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as 多門, 多聞 or 田門 with 多 (ta, oo.i,, meaning "frequent, many, much", 田 (den, ta) meaning "rice field/paddy", 門 (mon, kado, to) meaning "gate" and 聞 (bun, mon, ki.ku, ki.koeru) meaning "ask, hear, listen."... [more]