Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword eat.
See Also
eat meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Amajiki Japanese
From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heaven" and 喰 (jiki) meaning "eating"
Mangialaglio Italian
Means "eats garlic" in Italian, from mangia "to eat" and aglio "garlic". Possibly a nickname for someone known for heavily seasoning their food, or for having bad breath.
Mangiaracina Italian
The Sicilian name for salpa, a kind of fish, from mangia "to eat" and racina "grapes".
Nungesser German
Apparently a variant spelling of German Nonnengasse, derived from a street name meaning "nuns, lane". It could also be a variant of Gnugesser, a nickname for a big eater, derived from g(e)nug meaning "enough" and esser meaning "eater" (which derived from essen meaning "to eat")... [more]
Pangan Filipino, Pampangan
Derived from Pampangan mangan meaning "eat".
Papin French
Either from Old French papin "pap (for kids)" a noun derivative of paper "to munch or eat" (from Late Latin pappare in origin a nursery word) as a nickname probably referring to a glutton... [more]
Tsurubami Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 鶴喰 (Tsurubami) meaning "Tsurubami", an area in the city of Rokunohe in the district of Kamikita in the prefecture of Aomori in Japan.... [more]