Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword net.
See Also
net meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Amito Japanese
Means "doorway with an insect net" in Japanese.
Harigae Japanese
From the Japanese 張 (hari) "Extended Net constellation" and 替 (kae or gae) "exchange," "spare," "substitute."
Harimoto Japanese
Hari means "Extended Net constellation" and moto means "base, origin, source, root".
Haritani Japanese
Hari means "Extended Net constellation" and tani means "valley".
Hitora Japanese
From 人 (hito) means "person, human, individual" and 羅 (ra) means "thin silk fabric, net, gauze, Romania".
Laguaña Chamorro
Chamorro for "their net"
Võrk Estonian
Võrk is an Estonian surname meaning "net" or "web".