Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword steward.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Economos Greek (Anglicized, Expatriate, ?)
Alternate transcription of Greek Οικονόμος (see Oikonomos), which was an occupational surname meaning "one who manages a household, steward of an estate, housekeeper" from the ancient Greek word οἰκόνομος (oikonomos), itself derived from οἶκος (oikos) "house, household" and νόμος (nomos) "law, custom".
Economy Greek (Americanized), English
Americanized form of Greek Οικονόμος (see Economos) meaning "steward", or of the patronymic Οικονόμου (see Economou).
Ellermeyer German
It is a combination of the German words “Eller,” which means “alder,” and “Meyer,” which means “steward” or farmer”. So, it is thought to refer to someone who was either a steward or farmer who lived near an alder grove.
Grave English
Occupational name from Middle English greyve "steward", from Old Norse greifi or Low German greve
Guasti Italian
Meaning uncertain, may denote someone from the town of Guasto. Alternately, it may be an occupational name from gastaldo "chamberlain", from Latin gastaldus "manager, bailiff, steward", or be a nickname from guasto "broken, crippled".
Homeyer German
Status name from Middle Low German ho "high" and meier "headman steward" (see Meyer 1).
Kahya Turkish
Means "butler, steward, housekeeper" in Turkish.
Mac An Airchinnigh Irish
It literally means "son of the hereditary steward of church lands".
Majerle Slovene
Slovene surname Majerle, a variant of the Polish, Czech, and Slovak Majer, which was a status name for "steward, bailiff, tenant farmer, or village headman", from the German Meyer 1.
McNair Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac an Mhaoir "son of the steward or keeper".
Oikonomos Greek
Means "housekeeper, steward" from the Greek word οἰκόνομος (oikonomos), derived from οἶκος (oikos) "house, household" and νόμος (nomos) "law, custom"... [more]
Proctor English
Occupational name from Middle English prok(e)tour "steward" (reduced from Old French procurateour, Latin procurator "agent", from procurare "to manage"). The term was used most commonly of an attorney in a spiritual court, but also of other officials such as collectors of taxes and agents licensed to collect alms on behalf of lepers and enclosed orders of monks.
Ratigan Irish (Anglicized, Rare)
Anglicized form of Ó Reachtagán, meaning "descendant of Reachtagán", a personal name from a diminutive of reachtaire ("steward", "administrator") or reacht ("law")... [more]
Renfrew Scottish
Anglicized form of the Gaelic Rinn Friù, meaning "cradle of the Royal Stewards." It is derived from either the historical county of Renfrewshire in the west central lowlands of Scotland, or the town of Renfrew within both the historical and present-day boundaries of the county.
Rosemeyer German
Derived from the Middle High German rose meaning "rose" and meier meaning "(tenant) farmer steward". This is a German nickname and distinguishing name for a farmer who grew or liked roses.
Sellmeyer German
Occupational name for the steward of a hall or manor house from Middle High German sal "hall residence" and meier "steward" (see Meyer 1).
Weir Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac an Mhaoir "son of the steward or keeper".