Submitted Surname Revision History

loadingDate    Editor    Change Summary
10/31/2023, 3:38 PM Felie
4/11/2023, 9:08 AM Paradiso36

Name Pino
Type Surname (from location & from given name)
Edit Status Status2a. listed usages are verified

Meaning & History

Spanish and Galician habitational name from any of the places in Galicia (Spain) named Pino from pino "pine" or a topographic name for someone who lived by a remarkable pine tree. Italian habitational name from Pino d'Asti in Asti province Pino Torinese in Torino or Pino Solitario in Taranto all named with pino "pine’. from the personal name Pino a short form of Giuseppino (from Giuseppe) Filipino (from Filippo ) Jacopino (from Jacopo) or some other pet name ending in pino.
Added 4/11/2023 by Paradiso36