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Kuru 1
not set
Type Surname
Usage Japanese
Pronounced Pron. KOO-ROO  [key]

Meaning & History

Japanese: though written with the character for ‘give’ or ‘present’, the original meaning may actually be ‘sunset’. The name is listed in the Shinsen shōjiroku and is no longer common in Japan, but there is a city by that name in Hiroshima prefecture and the area may have ancient connections with the family.
Added 6/20/2021 by IPeeOnApples

Kuru 2
not set
Type Surname (from nickname)
Usage Turkish
Pronounced Pron. /ku.ˈɾu/  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

Means "dry, bare" in Turkish.
Added 3/22/2023 by anonymous