Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from nickname)
Usage Italian
Other Forms FormsMaggi, Maggiore, Maggiori, DiMaggio, Maggorini

Meaning & History

Recorded in many spelling forms including the 'base' form of Maggi, and the diminutives and double diminutives Maggiore, Maggiori, Di Maggio, Maggorini, and many others, this is an Italian surname of Roman (Latin) origins.

It derives from the ancient word 'maggiore' which means 'the eldest son', and as such was originally either a baptismal name, or in medieval times a nickname which became a surname. In usage it was not so different from the much later English Victorian method of calling brothers by their surname, but then distinguishing them by the terms major, minor, or for a third son, minimus.
Added 6/22/2017 by TanorFaux
Edited 4/29/2024 by Mike C