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Type Surname (from given name)
Scripts Sȧjuyïgbe
Pronounced Pron. sadge - eww - ebay  [key]
Other Forms FormsShajuyigbe

Meaning & History

The Sajuyigbe family, with its roots in the Yoruba tribe, carries a rich and complex history. The family is believed to descend from a line of royals that held significant influence in Yorubaland around the time of the Nok culture. However, their power and influence have faded over time, leaving much of their history undocumented.

The name 'Sajuyigbe' is derived from the Yoruba words 'seju' and 'igbe', translating to 'blink' and 'cry', or 'blink of an eye'. The exact meaning of this name remains unknown. One of the rulers, Odeyemi Sajuyigbe, who led many wars and civil issues in Yorubaland, was rumored to cry nonstop for days after his first war, or to his Orisha, who was known for tears.
Added 2/18/2024 by anonymous
Edited 5/6/2024 by Mike C